Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 06/14/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 14June2022 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


13 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Garry Toddy, Seconded by Michael Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $7500.00ish

Expended for Boys State: $100.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Dave Tyler, Second by Garry Toddy


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

Post 1919 membership is 126%

Start the push for 2023. 

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  There is a 10-year membership for $310. 

If you or a Veteran that you know can’t afford membership, let Mike Harris or Dexter Albright know.  There are options. 

Dave Everett reminds everyone that getting the numbers up are important for better representation at the House/Congress/for legislative purposes. 


IT Committee -

No report.


Hoosier Boys State

One of our boys state representative ran for the Governor position but didn’t win.  This event is great for college applications and other community focused recognition.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ken Hall moved on to Post Everlasting

-Ken was integral in starting Post 1919 and was the Chaplain.  He was very welcoming.  Steven M and Ken would visit the local nursing homes and Ken was extraordinary.  He was known to be a little hard headed but very sincere. 

-Steve Milbourn met with Ken’s wife, Sue today and she is doing okay.  The daughter is setting up the memorial service and will happen towards the end of August or first part of September. 


Sick Call:

Don LaFountaine – Has moved to Texas and had a surgery.  He is in a rehabilitation facility and in good spirits.

Ron McCoy – Had a hip replacement 3 ½ weeks ago.  Keep in your prayers.

Bobby Gennett – On June 10th he was looking better.

Mike Roderick – Hip surgery – doing well.

Jeff Emerson – Having back issues.


Unfinished Business

Dave Everett was curious “what is the status of live streaming the meeting?”  Dexter will follow up on that in the next month.


New Business



Good of Legion

1st Vice Dexter Albright asked the Sgt At Arms to please invite the Auxiliary to our meeting.


-As District 7’s representative, Dave Everett reported the Districts new Commander is Dale McDonald.  He is out of Jacksonville.

-Dave would like to bring up that if Post 1919 wants to host a District 7 meeting we need to present that to the District right away.  The commander should get with the VFW to find an open Saturday to host.

-District 7’s Chaplain, Herald Hensley recently passed away.

-The Indiana Department Convention is coming up.  It is an informative meeting with a lot of comradery - District hospitality is great.


-Pass the Hat raised $46.00


-Mike Roderick would like to remind the members of the opportunities available at the Train show 8/27 & 8/28.  Sign up sheets have been passed out and if you have questions, see Mike Roderick.


The Installation of the new Officers was completed by Past Commander of Post 1919 and District 7 Vice Dave Everett. 


New Officers Installed:

Commander                     Kip Blake

1st Vice                             Dexter Albright

2nd Vice                            Mike Roderick

Adjutant                           Mike Harris

Finance                            Mike Tomes

Sgt at Arms                      Jeff Emerson


The Chaplain, Scott Emmett led the prayers over the Officers.



      -Jen Albright, President of the Post 1919 American Legion Auxiliary wanted to ensure that members were aware of parade participation coming up at the Freedom Festival, June 25, 2022.  Meeting at the Farmers Market in Greenwood at 2:30pm.


     -Steve Milbourn reminded members that there are volunteer opportunities to help with the beer tend. 

     -Gary Stout wanted to thank the Auxiliary for their generous gift basket at Christmas time.

     -The new Commander, Kip Blake appointed the following:

                                         Judge Advocate – Steve Milbourn

                                         Chaplain – Scott Emmett

                                         Historian – Dave Tyler

                                         Service Officer – Open


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1945 hrs. by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 12JULY2022 at Post 1919.


Meeting Minutes - 05/10/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 10MAY2021 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


19 members present.




Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Mike Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Mike Tomes reported Currently have approximately $7,500 and all bills are paid.  Poker brought in about $1,500.  We are paying the VFW water bill.

Motion to accept report: Gary Totty, Second by Dave Everett.


Membership Committee – Two renewals, 1 transfer.  122.4% 

New renewals will start in July 2022.  Legion now has a new membership option – 10-year option.  It is $350.


Boys State Committee – Jay Colliers – Boys State Report.  The Post sponsored a Boy state district 7 orientation.  It was very successful.  Three participants and they will return to speak to the American Legion after the event.


Other reports – Joe V – Poker report.  Going well so far.  We will have poker this Saturday 5/14/2022 and we will have two poker tourneys.  First one is registration at 12:00, start at 1:00pm.  $30 buy in.  Expect about 15 people.  The second will have registration at 5:00pm and starting at 6:00pm $60 buy in.  We don’t know how many to expect.  Need volunteers to help in case it is busy.  It was run on Facebook ad with a lot of response.  Steve Milbourn confirmed that to be on gaming license you can be VFW or VFW auxiliary. 


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Phil Martinez – In the hospital.

Bobby Jennett – Health is getting worse.

Ken Hall – Going into Hospice.  Steven visited with him and his wife.

Ralph Schluster – Ill

Don LaFontaine – Out of hospital and getting better.  He is moving to Texas very soon.

Ed Dunham


Unfinished Business



New Business



Good of Legion


Dave Everett – District meeting on 6/14 in Bloomington.  There will be a Post Everlasting service.

-Should we start a Post Everlasting service at Post level?

-If you would like to participate in District level, let Dave know.

-Although are membership is at 122.4% of goal, we are not in the lead.

Steve Milbourn there will be the Freedom Fest in Greenwood the last Saturday of June.  The VFW will have a table and Beer Cart.  Feel free to come visit and share American Legion info as new membership starts July!

The Beer Cart shares 50% of money with VFW. Will need 9/10 volunteer bartenders from 3pm to 10pm.  You will need to get a volunteer’s servers license – good for 2 years and is $15.


Mike Roderick spoke about the Train show even in August.  See the flyers around VFW for information.  Need volunteers!  2 hours of your time – gets you in for free and some free food.

Pass the Hat - $31 – delivered to Mike Tomes

50/50 $31 – winner Joe V – donated his 50% back to American Legion. Delivered to Mike Tomes

Nominations and elections of the new Officers.

Nomination committee has the following nominations.  Then you will be allowed to do any floor nominations.

Commander – Kip Blake

                                         No new nominations

1st Vice – Dexter Albright

                                         No new nominations

2nd Vice – Mike Roderick

                                         No new nominations

Adjutant – Mike Harris

                                         No new nominations

Finance – Mike Tomes

                                         No new nominations

Sgt at Arms – Tyler Pantel

                                         New nomination – Jeff Emerson

E board

-                                        Joe V

-                                        Mary Blake

-                                        No new nominations


Only required vote is for Sgt at Arms.  The election committee passed out voting slips.  Votes cast, votes collected and counted by election committee.  Winner of the Sgt at Arms is Jeff Emerson.


Closing ceremonies performed. Meeting was adjourned at 1950 by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1946 on May 10, 2022, at Post 1919.







Meeting Minutes - 04/12/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 12APR2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Sarah Campbell.


15 members present.




Commander Sarah Campbell – present                      1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Mike Harris, Second by Mike Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Mike Tomes reported that our account is approximately $6,400. 

Post 1919 paid out $900 in the past month

Post 1919 paid out $1500 for Boys State.

Post 1919 paid the VFW building water bill $135.00

Motion to accept report: Dave Everett, Second by Gary Totty.


Membership Committee – Post membership is above 117%.  We have five new members this month. 


Boys State Committee – No report.


Other reports – Joe V reported that the Poker event is going well.  We have between 9 and 20 hardcore participants.  The Poker event needs more volunteers.  Please consider volunteering.  It is every Saturday – doors open at 12noon and the tourney begins at 1pm. 

Joe V made a motion to allot $100 to put an ad in the Southside times.

Discussion – agree that the poker revenue will pay for the ad.

Ron seconded the motion.

Motion passes. 


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Phil Martinez had surgery.

Ken Hall


Unfinished Business

By-law vote.

Dave Everett made a motion to accept the By-laws that were sent to all members.

Dexter Albright seconded the motion.

Discussion:  Steve Milburn would like to make a motion to table the discussion for further review. Seconded by Gary Totty.  – hand count was done. 5 yes, 10 no.  Motion failed.

The original motion to accept the By-laws was voted on.  Motion to accept passed.

The By-laws will be presented to the Department Adjutant for review.



New Business

Ron would like for the American Legion to start a Dart league/tourney.  Ron and Joe V are willing to volunteer on Tuesdays.  Dave Tyler was willing to volunteer also.  The Legion would need to purchase more dart boards.  Please share with other members to try and get volunteers to start the league.


Good of Legion

The 7th District Meeting will be held at the Bloomington Post on 15May2022.  Please attend if possible. 

Dave Everett attended the American Legion College.  Very informative. 

Our District is low in membership.  Although we are over 100% others are not as fortunate. 

The new officer elections will take place on Tuesday 14Jun2022 at the regular scheduled meeting.  Nominations are being accepted by the nominating committee and at the May meeting there will be open floor nominations. 

Michael Roderick shared with members that a Train show will take place in August (see flyers for details).  He would like to see 10-15 volunteers from this location as a whole. You will receive free admission and food.  The train show is donating a table to the American Legion for use by membership.

50/50 – The total was $56.  Winner was Michael Roderick.  $28 was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.

Pass the Hat - Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat – Collected $29 and was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.

Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1950 by Commander Sarah Campbell. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on May 10, 2022, at Post 1919.






Meeting Minutes - 03/08/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 08Mar2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Sarah Campbell.


15 members present. 1 guest Pam Smith – Beech Grove Post 276.




Commander Sarah Campbell – present                      1st Vice Dexter Albright – excused

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – excused                         Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Dave Everett, Second by Jay Collars.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Mike Tomes reported that our account is approximately $6,400.  Post 1919 paid out $300 times 3 for Boys State.

Post 1919 brought in $1,000 revenue for poker nights.  We will pay out (vote to come) $50 donation to the Legions Auxiliary for support of the PTSD speaker coming in April.

Motion to accept report: Gary Totty, Second by Michael Roderick.


Membership Committee – Post membership is above 110%.  We have four new members this month.  Steve Summers, Ken Seal, John Hadley, and


Boys State Committee – Jay Collars reported that we have three definite boys qualified and paid (by Post 1919).  It would be great to get at least one more, possibly two.  If you know anyone that knows a 11th grader that would be interested, please let Jay Collars know as soon as possible.  The deadline is 1st of May.  The committee would like to use some of the money that is tagged for Boys State to offset some expenses for the participants at the event.  The event is a one-week training on the Governmental processes.  Each student will run for an office (Local, State, Federal).  The student that is ‘elected’ Governor of Boys State will get a trip to the White House.


By-Laws Committee – Dave Everett reported that the committee reviewed the By-laws since the last meeting due to the need to ensure that the By-laws are up to date and inclusive.  The proposed By-laws were emailed to all members.  One of the key additions to the By-laws was the Nominating Committee for Post Officer elections.  The committee will be comprised of the Past Commander as Chair and two other active members to be appointed by the current Commander.  Please consider volunteering for this opportunity.  Let the Commander or another Officer know of your interest as we need these members now.  If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the By-laws feel free to reach out to any Post Officer. 


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Don LaFontaine

Bobby Jennett

Ken Hall

Ed Dunham – past Legion member


Unfinished Business



New Business

Mike Tomes would like to suggest using some of the poker revenue to commit to paying one of the water bills (fire hydrant) that the VFW currently pays.  The poker can maintain $200 per month profit.  This particular water bill is $135 consistently except for one or two times a year when the hydrant is tested. 

Mike Tomes made a Motion to commit to paying this water bill every month, up to $200.

Jay Collars seconded the motion.

No more discussion.  Motion passed.


The E-board approved the spending of $50 to the Legions Auxiliary to a donation being made to the PTSD speaker.

Motion was made by Mike Tomes, Second by Phil Martinez.

No discussion.  Motion passed.


Karen Emmett asked for clarification for whether the funds for the water bill and the PTSD speaker are member donations or coming from Post 1919.  The funds will come from funds in the American Legion Post 1919 account and will not require donations from members.


Phil Martinez reminded the members of their work on Americanism.  They are presenting to churches currently but hope to expand down the road.  They present pieces of the 11 virtues from the Founding Fathers.  The connection between God and Country are extremely important and are not being taught to youth.  Phil would like to ask for moral support from the American Legion. 

Dave Everett spoke to membership that if any funding might be helpful in the future for things like flyers that Phil or Scott should let the Legion know and that this kind of support would also be available. 

Phil Martinez made a Motion for support of this endeavor, Second by Scott Emmett.  Motion passed.


Good of Legion

The 7th District Meeting will be held at the Martinsville Post on 2Apr2022.  Please attend if possible.  The show of support from Post 1919 would be greatly appreciated.  This meeting will include the 4 Chaplains - The Four Chaplains, also referred to as the "Immortal Chaplains" or the "Dorchester Chaplains", were four World War II chaplains who died rescuing civilian and military personnel as the American troop ship SS Dorchester sank on February 3, 1943.

Dave Everett has recommended that Post 1919 host the upcoming New Members training.  More to come on this.

Our District is 8/9th in membership.  Although we are over 100% others are not as fortunate. 

New By-laws.  Voting on the new By-laws will take place at the April regular meeting.  It requires a 2/3 vote to pass.  As part of these requirements the new By-laws are to be submitted to all members (which has occurred via email) and that the By-laws are read aloud.

Mike Tomes made a Motion to dispense with the reading of the By-laws for time purposes and that all members have received a copy of the By-laws.  The Second was made by Steve Milbourn.  No further discussion.  Motion passes.

The new officer elections will take place on Tuesday 14Jun2022 at the regular scheduled meeting.  Nominations are being accepted by the nominating committee and at the May meeting there will be open floor nominations. 

Michael Roderick shared with members that a Train show will take place in August (see flyers for details).  He would like to see 10-15 volunteers from this location as a whole. 

Guest, Pam Smith, shared with the members that the Honor Flight will take place three times this year.  Please consider signing up as it is an experience of a lifetime.  The first one will happen in April and Mike Delaney will be on this one.


Blood Drive April 2, 2022, at the Greenwood Library.  You can RSVP by email.

Think about volunteering to be a Post Officer.

50/50 – The total was $40.  Winner was Michael Harris and he donated back winnings to the Legion.  $40 was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.

Pass the Hat - Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat – Collected $39 and was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.

Gary Totty requested more information on how the Post tracks community service.  Dave Everett informed the members that there are IRS requirements for tracking and reporting.  If anyone would like to know more reach out to him.

Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1955 by Commander Sarah Campbell. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on April 12, 2022, at Post 1919.






Meeting Minutes - 02/08/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 08FEB2022 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


12 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – absent                       1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – absent                                       Chaplain Scott Emmett - absent

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collier, Seconded by Gary Todd.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $6400.00

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Dave Everett, Second by Jay Collier


Membership Committee

Post membership still above 110%

1 New member

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  Asked if there were questions.  None.




IT Committee -

No report.


Boys State-

Post 1919 has been listed on the official Legion forms.

1 New register to Boys State.

2 Possible new registers.

Post 1919 can register 4 candidates.

Registration to be paid by Post 1919 Boy State fund.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Sick Call:

Don Lafontaine

Ken Hall

Bobby Genet

Phil Martinez

Sarah Campbell and familhy



Unfinished Business



New Business


Good of Legion

Pass the hat raised $28.

50/50 Total $40. Jay Collier won and donated back to the post.

Past Department Commander Rodney Strong passed 1/14/22.

Help is needed with Saturday poker tournament. Contact Dave Everett.

Dart League and Trivia Night needing volunteers to get started.

April will start live music.

Auxiliary will be holding a blood drive at the Greenwood Library on 4/2.

Daytona 500 at the Post on February 20. Selling squares for fund raiser.

40 and 8 will be accepting endorsements for nursing scholarships on 2/28.

2/21 – Vietnam vets day at the Post bar.



Presentation on Americanism based on biblical values and the 7 virtues to start being presented to area schools.


 Closing ceremonies performed.


Meeting was adjourned at 1931 hrs. by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 08MAR2022 at Post 1919.


Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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