Meeting Minutes
08 NOV 2022
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 08 NOV 2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.
21 members present.
Commander Kip Blake – Present 1st Vice Dexter Albright – Excused
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present
Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Present Adjutant Michael Harris – Present
Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present
Welcome guests:
Approval of Minutes
Due to technical issues, October minutes were not able to be sent out on the email distribution. Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes was made by Mike Tomes.
Motion seconded by Joe Vidales
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee –
Mike Tomes
End of previous month October with $9000.00.
$200 - $300 monthly bills spent.
$600 - $800 income in poker.
Motion to accept Finance report: Michael Roderick. Seconded by Gary Toddy.
Motion carried.
Membership Committee –
Michael Harris.
District 7 is in 10th place with 78.57% renewal.
12 renewals and 7 new members for the month of October.
IT Committee -
Dexter Albright
No report.
End of committee reports.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Bobby Gennet
Dan LaFontane
David Price
Unfinished Business
New Business
Good of Legion
- Freedom Festival Haven for Heroes at the VFW post 11/19.
- Thanksgiving dinner for anyone that wants to attend on 11/24.
- Veteran breakfast at the post on 11/12 for any veteran that wants to attend.
- Veterans Day dinner special at the post on 11/11.
- If anyone that has old Legion hats that would like to donate to members that would help defer the cost of a new one, please contact Kip Blake.
- Mention of membership pins for members to wear. Will discuss in next E-board meeting.
- New membership packets to explain the benefits and mission of the Legion. Listing of all Officers, website, Facebook, email addresses, etc.
Pass the Hat and 50/50.
- Pass the hat raise $40
- 50/50 was $40. Scott Emmett won. Donated money back to the Legion.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 1940 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 13 November, 2022 at Post 1919.