Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 05/11/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 11May2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Dave Everett.


22 members present.



Commander Dave Everett – present                           1st Vice Ralph Schuster – present

2nd Vice Ed Dunham – present                                   Chaplain Ken Hall - excused

Sgt At Arms Tyler Panter – present                           Adjutant Cindy Coram – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Approval of Minutes

Minutes read aloud by Commander Dave Everett.

Motion to accept minutes: Don LaFountaine, Second by Mike Tomes.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – no report


Raffle – Tickets for sale – sale continues until all tickets are sold.  100 initially – 99 left as of this date.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Jim Haupt

Tom Frick

Sick Call:

Ken Hall


Unfinished Business




New Business


Good of Legion

The 7th District Meeting was held at Post 1919 on 21Apr2021.  Approximately 10 members attended.  There were a lot of food leftover (approximately $200 worth).  Pictures were taken.  Post 1919 received 3 awards: Honor Award (Reaching membership goal early), 95% membership and 100% membership award.  These were presented by Department Commander Connelly and Rodney Strong.

The new officer elections will take place on Saturday 15May2021 from noon to 1700.  At 1700 the election committee will take the ballets to commander.  They will be retained for 30 days and then destroyed.  Any unmarked ballets are void.

Gary Totty reminded group that to vote you must have your membership card and it will be compared to the Greenbar and that Nominee’s must be in Good Standing and have paid their 2021 membership.

The Election Committee is:  Mike Delany (Chair), Steve Milborn, Joe Vidales

Nominations by office:

  • Commander – The Nomination Committee member Doree Boger brought the email nomination of Sarah Campbell, committee recognized nomination. No more new nominations.  Motion to close nominations made by Mike Delaney, seconded by Don Lafontaine.  Commander nominations closed.
  • 1st Vice – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by Dexter Albright, seconded by Doree Boger.  1st Vice nominations closed.
  • 2nd Vice – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by Gary Totty, seconded by Kip Blake. 2nd Vice nominations closed.
  • Adjutant – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by Gary Totty, second by Doree Boger.  Adjutant nominations closed.
  • Finance Officer – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by GK Puckett, second by Butch.  Finance Officer nominations closed.
  • Sgt at Arms – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by Doree Boger, second by Joe Vidales.  Sgt at Arms nominations closed.
  • E-Board – No new nominations. Motion to close nominations made by Karen Emmett, second by Dexter Albright.  E-Board nominations closed.





The question was brought up by Don Lafontaine whether the 4 positions that were unopposed should not be on the ballet. 


Commander Dave Everett stated the Election Committee will review the By-laws and a determination will be made prior to elections. 


Pass the Hat - Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat – Collected $57 and was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Toms.

Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1929 by Commander Dave Everett. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on June 8, 2021 at Post 1919.

Minutes submitted by:

Mary Lach-Blake

Approved by:

Commander Dave Everett


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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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