Meeting Minutes
13 Dec 2022
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 13 Dec 2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.
21 members present.
Commander Kip Blake – Present 1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Absent Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present
Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Absent Adjutant Michael Harris – Present
Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Absent
Welcome guests:
Spencer Dillman – Active USAF.
Dave Everrett introduced Spencer and family. Spencer is the youngest member of Post 1919.
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees. No additions or corrections.
Motion to approve by Dave Everrett
Motion seconded by Garry Toddy
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee –
Mike Tomes - Absent
End of previous of month still at $9000.00
No report given.
Membership Committee –
Michael Harris.
5 New Members
23 Renewals
Total membership at 159. 95% of 2022 goal.
IT Committee -
Dexter Albright
No report.
End of committee reports.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Joe Vadales
Don LaFontaine – Passed to post everlasting
Bobby Gennett
Ed Dunham
Unfinished Business
- Still need volunteers for Saturday poker. May have to terminate if cannot get additional members to help out.
- E-Mail survey was sent out to all members for suggestions on increasing support. There was a very low response with no suggestions.
- Dart league starting on Saturday, January 7. Accepting suggestions on how to advertise.
New Business
- Veterans family Christmas Donations to help 3 families in the local area. This will be a joint collaboration between Legion, VFW and Forty and Eight. Motion to donate $450 from the Pass the Hat Christmas fund. Mary Blake made a motion to approve. Dexter Albright Second the motion. Motion carried.
- Post bartenders are holding a Customer Appreciation Night. The bartenders the past 2 years have done this out of pocket. Motion was made to donate $50 towards their cost. Dexter Albright made a motion to approve. Phil Martinez second. Motion carried.
Good of Legion
- Discussion to make a paper and digital Introduction Pamphlet for new and current members. The following suggestions for content were made:
- Detailing national and state Legion websites.
- Officers names and email contacts.
- Service Officer local and district with contact information.
- Local FB page and website and any other social media platforms.
- Preamble / Mission Statement.
- What it means to be in the Legion.
- Scott Emmett will present the 9 Virtues in the upcoming meetings.
- Dave Everrett reminded all about the Mid-Winter Conference in Indy on January 13-15. Michael Harris, Post Adjutant will represent the 7th District as the Chairperson for Police/EMS/Fireman Awards.
- Currently 4th place in District Membership.
- Jay Colliers Submitted the application for small business award. He nominated Dexter Albright. He also informed us that Boys State applications start in January. There is currently $600 in the fund for sponsorship. The post will try to send 2-3 boys again this year.
- Dexter Albright informed the membership that the Auxiliary will sponsor 1 girl for Girls State.
Pass the Hat and 50/50.
- Pass the hat raise $57
- 50/50 was not held this meeting.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 10 January, 20023 at Post 1919.