Meeting Minutes
10 JAN 2023
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 10 JAN 2023 by Commander Kip Blake.
21 members present.
Commander Kip Blake – Present 1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Absent Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present
Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Present Adjutant Michael Harris – Present
Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present
Welcome guests:
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees. Amendments to spelling of names.
Motion to approve by Dave Everett
Motion seconded by Jay Collars
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee –
Mike Tomes -
End of year 2022. $8800 + $1200 and $500 Donations added to books
Membership Committee –
Michael Harris.
3 New Members
7 Renewals
2 Non-paying transfers
Total membership at 172. 101.19% of 2022 goal. Department goal is 100% by 17 May.
IT Committee -
Dexter Albright
No report.
End of committee reports.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Rich Carney
Michael Roderick
Bobby Jennett
Ed Dunham
Unfinished Business
New Business
- American Legion Birthday - Dave Everett made a motion to hold a pitch in at the post on Sunday March 19th. Would like the Legion to put $150 towards meat and paper items, etc. All Legion members will be invited.
- Dave Everett made motion.
- Christine Hurley second the motion.
- Motion carried
- Boys State – Jay Collars is starting the process of canvasing schools for applicants. If anyone knows of any 11th grade boys that would be interested, please contact him. Cut off for application is May.
- Post Relief Fund – Dexter Albright would like the Legion to help the VFW with relief for Veterans as they are picking up the entire tab for all relief funds given out. He suggested the Legion donate a maximum of $50 / Month.
- Dexter made motion.
- Christine Hurley second the motion.
- Motion Carried
Good of Legion
- Scott Emmett will start giving a short speech on the 9 Virtues. He will spread these out over 9 meetings.
- Dave Everett
- Next District meeting will be in Spencer on 11 February. The 4 Chaplains presentation will be given at this meeting.
- Need people to fill some open positions at the District level.
- Mid-winter conference is Jan 13/14. Indiana Alcohol/Gaming Commission will be giving a presentation on Indiana laws.
- March 21st – VFW will be presenting Community Awards at the Post. All invited.
- April 15th – Heart Stone Crossing will be playing at the Post. This is on a Saturday and will be from 1900 – 2300. Advance tickets $6. $8 at the door. Food and open bar.
- April 1st – Vietnam Vets celebration at the post. Event is free. Starts at 1800.
- February 4th – Christine Hurley invited everyone to stop by the post from 1000-1500 to see the Quilts of Valor being made. 171 nominees in the state of Indiana
Pass the Hat and 50/50.
- Pass the hat raise $27
- 50/50 Not Held
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 10 January, 20023 at Post 1919.