Meeting Minutes
09 Jan 2024
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919was called to order at 1905 hrs on 09 Jan 2024by Commander Michael Harris.
Commander Michael Harris – Present
1st Vice Gary Totty – Present
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present
Chaplain Scott Emmett- Excused
Sgt At Arms Ted MacDonald – Present
Adjutant Terry Smiley – Present
Finance Officer Doree Boger - Present
E-Board: Joe Vidales – Present
Steve Milbourn – Excused
12 Members in attendance.
Welcome guests:
Dirk Titus
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees.
Motion to approve by Doree Boger, Second by John Campbell.
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee - Doree Boger
- December Finance Report 2023
- Deposit $1,844.00
- Bills-checks -31.50
- Membership -245.00
- Purchases (Gift Cards) -2,034.75
- Christmas Fund $0.00
- Bank Statement Total $11,400.26
Motion to accept report by Gary Totty, Second by Michael Roderick.
The financial report for December was unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
Membership Committee
Dave Everett
90.5% of Goal
18 new members needed to reach the 100%.
The 10 Year option is still available for $350.00. Dues will increase next year. There will be a vote to discontinue the 10 Year or increase option.
IT Committee
Dexter Albright
No report.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Bobby Jennett – feeling better, hoping to go home soon.
Larry Olds – wife sick.
Larry Dent – wife is feeling better.
Steve Milburn – wife sick.
Scott Emmett – ill.
Post Everlasting
- David A. Garette, from Post 252 passed December 28, 2023.
Unfinished Business
- No Report
Boys State Committee
Homeless Veterans Committee
John “Tiny” Campbell
Asking for someone to take Business Award Chair as he is Homeless Veterans Committee Chair and sometimes both committees hold sessions at the same time. Would anyone like to take on this role?
New Business
No Report.
Committee to Update By-laws
- Need to update to add Sons of American Legion.
- Commander, Mike Harris, to send email requesting interest to be on committee.
- Two to Three meetings to update.
- Then present to membership.
- Plan to finalize by March/April 2024.
Sons of American Legion
- We need a Liaison for SAL, preferably be a Dual Member to give monthly report.
- Possible Tuesday evening meetings.
- To begin, has been suggested to have the SAL meeting coincide with AL meeting so they can see how it is structured.
- $20 cost for SAL membership.
- Need to fill out information for charter.
- If anyone would like to be a charter member, contact Dave Everett.
- As long as someone in your ancestry line, (parent, grandparent or great-grandparent) you are eligible to be an SAL. Only distinction is they would have to have served WWI and after.
- Do not need DD-214
- Unsure if Step-parent/child is valid. Dave to inquire.
Good of the Legion
District Meeting
- January 20, 2024 in Martinsville.
- Meeting begins at 2:00.
- $1.00 to get in to the meeting.
- Lunch begins at 11:00.
- $10 cost.
- Mid-Winter Conference
- January 12-14
- Delegates
- Mike Harris, John Campbell, Terry Smiley
- Indianapolis Marriot East at 21st Street and Shadeland Avenue.
- Emergency vote
- To increase member dues.
- To continue with 10-year membership.
- Remove Hoosier Legionnaire.
- Legislative Day at the State House
- January 16, 2024, 0900 – 1300
- Vendor tables
- Meet fellow Veterans
- Free food.
- Traveling Vietnam Wall
- Morgan County Fairgrounds August 15-18, 2024
- Need volunteers
- Asking for donations
- We were able to help five (5) families this past holiday season.
- Food from Grace Assembly.
- $400 gift card for each family.
- We need to work toward next year.
- Possibly adding another family.
- Try to have company donations.
- Have some type event to get community involvement.
- Families were very grateful for the donations.
- Boys State
- Programs have started.
- Open to 11th grade boys
- Train Shows
- Record number of Boy Scout volunteers and still looking for volunteers for next year’s show.
- Emergency vote
- Meeting begins at 2:00.
- Scott Emmet and Phil Martinez
- No Report.
Legionnaire Spotlight
- Doree Boger
- While stations as a MP at Fort Harrison, Doree was on patrol around the water tower at 2300 hours. She hears someone yell, looks up and spots a man on the water tower getting ready to jump. She started talking to the guy almost had him come down. Then he says “F… that!” Then jumps. A body hits the pavement, Doree turns ghost white then passed out. She was awakening up by a supervisor telling her it was all just a training exercise. She passed.
- If interested in sharing, please contact Commander Michael Harris before the meeting.
Pass the Hat and 50/50.
- Pass the hat raised $37.00.
- 50/50 Not Held.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs by Commander Michael Harris.
The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs on 13 FEB 2024.