Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 11/14/2023


Meeting Minutes

14 Nov 2023



The regular meeting of theAMERICAN LEGION POST 1919was called to order at1907 hrs.on14 Nov 2023by Commander Michael Harris.



Commander              Michael Harris – Present     

1st Vice                     Gary Toddy – Present

2nd Vice                    Michael Roderick – Present 

Chaplain                   Scott Emmett- Excused

Sgt At Arms              Ted MacDonald – Present    

Adjutant                   Terry Smiley – Present

Finance Officer         Doree Boger - Present

E-Board:                   Joe Vidales – Present

                                 Steve Milbourn – Excused



Welcome guests:


Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Michael Roderick, Second by Jeff

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports

Finance Committee - Doree Boger

  • Oct 2023
    • Deposit           $1167.00
    • Bills-checks             -1918.74
    • Membership           -175.00
    • Purchase -217.77
      • Check Duplicate & Deposit Slips
    • Christmas $1,116.30   
  • Balance as of Oct 31, 2023 $12,757.31
    • Less Christmas $11,641.01

Motion to accept report by Dave Everett, Second by Gary Toddy.

The financial report for October were unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Dave Everett

73.15% of Goal

The 10 Year option is still available for $350.00.  If regular payment has been made this year, the amount will go toward the 10 year fee.  Dues will increase next year.  There will be a vote to discontinue the 10 Year or increase option.


IT Committee

Dexter Albright

No report.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Jennett – starting to turn for the worse.

Post Everlasting

  • George E Massey – passed September 2022
  • Widow of Pearl Harbor Veteran has passed
  • If you know of a Veteran that has passed
    • Have the family take the DD214 to the funeral home. The home will coordinate to have an Honor Guard present at grave site.
  • Can set up the burial process beforehand with the funeral home/cemetery.
    • Commander, Michael Harris, will bring more information next meeting or a later date.


Unfinished Business

Boys State Committee

Homeless Veterans Committee

John “Tiny” Campbell

Indiana Veterans Homes

  • Bingo Night/Day was a success.
  • Post 1919 Auxiliary to put together 30 backpacks for homeless veterans
  • Therapy Dogs and Peterman Brothers will be in for Employers of Veterans award.


New Business



Dave Everett asked for interest to purchase a banner with the AL Preamble to post during meetings and ‘loan’ out for district meetings.

Motion to have up to $300 earmarked for banner by Dave Everett, Second by Randy Bowman. 

Motion carried.

Hoosier Legionaire

  • No longer printed/mailed
  • If need a copy, see Dave Everett

The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall

  • To be in Martinsville in 2024
    • More information to come


Good of the Legion

District Meeting

  • January 2024

Sons of American Legion

  • E-Board has approved Son of American Legion for Post 1919
  • Informational meeting, Thursday, November 16, 2023, 1900 hours.
  • Membership to vote next meeting, December 12, 2023
  • 20 plus interested to be on charter

Commander Michael Harris stated Wilhelm Construction will make a donation to Post 1919 to be ‘earmarked’ help with the Christmas fund

Train Shows

  • Michael Roderick stated new flyers for shows are ready

Phil Martinez, for Scott Emmett

  • Suggested members share a story within their time of serving to help understand and know one another and to help know / remember names of members. Will call it Legionnaire Spotlight
    • Phil elected to be the first to share.
      • During MEPS physical, the doctor wanted to disqualify Phil because of poor eyesight in one eye. He pleaded with the doc to let him join as his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had served.  He desperately wanted to continue the tradition. The doc reluctantly agreed.  In basic, Phil was once again having a physical.  When the eye exam came about, he was asked to cover one eye and read the eye test.  He did with no issue.  The doc then said cover the other eye and read.  Phil couldn’t see it.  The doc said stand closer. Phil took a step closer and still couldn’t see it.  The doc said stand closer.  This went on until Phil was literally nose to paper of the eye test and he read the test perfectly.  The doc stated “Pass!”.
      • So, we learned that Phil is blind and it is a miracle our Navy can actually hit a target. 😊
    • If interested in sharing, please contact Commander Michael Harris before the meeting.


Pass the Hat and 50/50.

  • Pass the hat raised $41.00
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs by Commander Michael Harris.

The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs on 12 DEC 2023.

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Meeting Minutes - 06/08/2021

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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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