Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 05/14/2024


Meeting Minutes

14 May 2024,



The regular meeting of the American Legion POST 1919 at 1900 hrs. 14 May 2024, by Commander Michael Harris.




Commander              Michael Harris – Present     

1st Vice                     Gary Totty – Present

2nd Vice                    Michael Roderick – Present 

Chaplain                   Scott Emmett- Present

Sgt At Arms              Ted MacDonald – Present    

Adjutant                   Terry Smiley – Present

Finance Officer         Doree Boger – Excused

E-Board:                   Joe Vidales – Present

                                 Steve Milbourn – Present



21 Members in Attendance


Welcome guests:

                                 Paul Miller

                                 Randy Bowman

                                 Dirk Titus



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Garry Totty, Second by Michael Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.



Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Doree Boger

  • April Finance Report 2024
    • Deposit           $1,010.00
    • Bills-checks             -168.06
    • Membership           -175.00
    • Purchases 00
    • Christmas 00
  • Balance as of April 30, 2024, $12,600.05

Motion to accept report by Dave Everett, Second by Phil Martinez.

The financial report for February unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Dave Everett

102% of Goal, as of May 7, 2024.

Dues have increased to $55. The 10-year option is still available. However, it will go from $350 to $400 for 2025. This is still your best option.


IT Committee

Dexter Albright

Upgrades to be done this week/month.

Site will be up and down as work progresses.



Ed Wickham

The first meeting was last month.

Dual members will receive a pin.

$20 membership dues.

Meetings are on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.




Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Jennett

Ralph Schuster – Parkinson’s

Doree Boger – Sick

Dean Logan – Spleen/pancreas, to have operation.



Unfinished Business

  • Committee to Update By-laws
    • Some small ‘tweaking’ still needing to be done, then will be finalized.
  • Fund Raising
    • Garage Sale
      • To be held sometime in September 2024.
        • AL to charge $20 a spot.
        • A location has been secured.
          • Location: Grace Church on US31.
        • Participant to keep everything they bring in.
        • Stay tuned for more information.
      • Volunteers needed.
      • Will set up a table with applications to entice new memberships.
      • Request to use the pop-up canopy from District 7.
      • Raffle(s)
      • Any ideas, please let one of the officers know.
    • American Legion Family event.
      • To celebrate the American Legion Family: AL, ALA, SAL, AL Riders.
      • Had a good showing.
      • Doree ‘Bailed’ us out.
        • She played bartender for us during the event.
      • Look forward to next year.
        • Let’s make it bigger and better.




New Business

  • Elections
    • Elections were held with the following holding positions:
      • Commander Michael Harris
      • First Vice Commander Garry Totty
      • Second Vice Commander Michael Roderick
      • Adjutant Terry Smiley
      • Finance Officer Doree Boger
      • Sgt-At-Arms Ted McDonald
      • E-Board Phil Martinez

                                                Tim Morris                   

  • Email to be sent concerning Appointed Positions. If anyone is interested, please contact the Commander or another Officer.
    • Appointed Positions are:
      • Chaplain
      • Historian
      • Judge Advocate General (JAG)
    • Cadet Law Academy
      • Molly Marshall, candidate.
        • Daughter of SAL Member
      • Motion made to give SAL 1919 $350 to sponsor, made by Dave Everett, second by Dexter Albright. Motion Carried.
    • Franklin Train Show
      • Michael Roderick has information and sign-up sheets for volunteers.
      • Will be approximately 350 vendors.


Good of the Legion

  • District Meeting
    • 13 Apr 2024 Bloomington, IN.
    • 1100 Lunch, $10.00.
    • 1400 Meeting, $1.00.
  • Arthur Parkhurst
    • To be presented with 70-year membership.
    • More information to come.




Scott Emmett/Phil Martinez

  • Compassion
    • Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
      • Clara Barton was known as the Angel of the Battlefield. She was instrumental in getting care of wounded soldiers of both armies during the civil war and she was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross. Her compassion for our soldiers was without limit and that compassion for soldiers continued until her passing.
      • There are hundreds of examples in our nation’s history, such as:
        • George Washington: Our First President.
        • Abraham Lincoln: Our 16th
        • Clara Barton: Founder of the Red Cross.
        • Benjamin Franklin: One of our Founding Fathers and author

     of his own 13 Virtues.

  • The Four Chaplains We discussed them a couple months ago.


Pass the Hat and 50/50

  • Pass the hat raised $37.00.
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting adjourned at 1958 hrs. by Commander Michael Harris.

The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs. on 11 JUN 2024.

Related Articles

Meeting Minutes - 07/13/2021

Meeting Minutes - 06/08/2021

Meeting Minutes - 05/11/2021

Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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