Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 04/09/2024


Meeting Minutes

09 Apr 2024,



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 at 1902 hrs. 09 Apr 2024, by Commander Michael Harris.



Commander              Michael Harris – Present     

1st Vice                     Gary Totty – Present

2nd Vice                    Michael Roderick – Present 

Chaplain                   Scott Emmett- Present

Sgt At Arms              Ted MacDonald – Present    

Adjutant                   Terry Smiley – Present

Finance Officer         Doree Boger – Present

E-Board:                   Joe Vidales – Present

                                 Steve Milbourn – Excused



16 Members in Attendance


Welcome guests:

                                 Ed Wickham -1919 SAL Commander



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Doree Boger, Second by Garry Totty.

The minutes of the previous meeting unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Doree Boger

  • March Finance Report 2024
    • Deposit           $1,010.00
    • Bills-checks             -869.87
    • Membership           -35.00
    • Purchases 00
    • Christmas 00
  • Balance as of Mar 31, 2024, $12,943.11

Motion to accept report by Michael Roderick, Second by Garry Totty.

The financial report for February unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Dave Everett

100% of Goal, as of Apr 7, 2024.

Dues have increased to $55. The 10-year option is still available. However, it will go from $350 to $400 for 2025. This is still your best option. Due to revitalization of membership calls, there have been seven transfers and one new member joining Centennial Post 1919.


IT Committee

Dexter Albright

No report.



Ed Wickham

The charter has been presented to SAL 1919 Commander Ed Wickham at Spring Conference. Ed received a signed picture of current National SAL Commander, Donald JR Hall. Meetings are on the Fourth Thursday at 1900 hours in the Day Room of Post. Still option to be on the Charter if you sign up now! As of now, dues are $20.00 and Dual Membership is available. Approximately twenty-five (25) members as of this meeting.



Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Jennett

Ralph Schuster – Parkinson’s



Unfinished Business

Committee to Update By-laws

  • Some small ‘tweaking’ still needing to be done, then will be finalized.



New Business

  • Fund Raising
    • Early to late Spring yard sale.
      • AL to charge $20 a spot.
      • A location is in the works to be secured.
        • Possible Location: Grace Church on US31.
      • Participant to keep everything they bring in.
      • Stayed tuned.
    • Volunteers needed.
    • Will set up a table with applications to entice new memberships.
    • Request to use the pop-up canopy from District 7.
    • Raffle(s)
    • Any ideas, please let one of the officers know.
  • American Legion Family event.
    • To celebrate the American Legion Family: AL, ALA, SAL, AL Riders.
    • Last Saturday on April 27, 2024, 2:00 to 6:00 pm.
    • Will be a pitch-in.
    • Bring the Family.
    • Fliers have been printed and will be mailed.
    • Will be on social media as well.
    • AL to provide two ‘Drink tickets’ for AL, SAL, Riders.
  • Carry the Load
    • Built around May.
      • Indianapolis will be 18 May 2024.
        • Two mile walk to raise support / raise money and awareness.
      • For more information, ask Dave Everett.
    • Elections
      • Nominating Committee
        • Consists of immediate Passed Commander or current Adjutant to chair.
        • Commander appoints other two positions.
          • Doree Boger and Joe Vidales
        • Email with nominations will be sent with candidate names and information.
        • Committee Chairs and/or members needed.
          • Positions are:
            • Chaplain
            • Historian
            • Judge Advocate General (JAG)
          • Final nominations and elections are to be held during May 2024 meeting.

Good of the Legion

  • District Meeting
    • 13 Apr 2024 Bloomington, IN.
    • 1100 Lunch, $10.00.
    • 1400 Meeting, $1.00.
  • Post Everlasting Memorial
    • 18 May 2024.
    • Sullivan IN.
    • Johnson County Courthouse to have a service for Veterans that have passed.
  • Arthur Parkhurst
    • To be presented with 70-year membership.
    • More information to come.



  • None


Pass the Hat and 50/50

  • Pass the hat raised $27.00.
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting adjourned at 1952 hrs. by Commander Michael Harris.

The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs. on 14 MAY 2024.

Related Articles

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Meeting Minutes - 06/08/2021

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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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