Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 12APR2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Sarah Campbell.
15 members present.
Commander Sarah Campbell – present 1st Vice Dexter Albright – present
2nd Vice Kip Blake – present Chaplain Scott Emmett - present
Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present Adjutant Mary Blake – present
Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes passed out and reviewed by members.
Motion to accept minutes: Mike Harris, Second by Mike Roderick.
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Mike Tomes reported that our account is approximately $6,400.
Post 1919 paid out $900 in the past month
Post 1919 paid out $1500 for Boys State.
Post 1919 paid the VFW building water bill $135.00
Motion to accept report: Dave Everett, Second by Gary Totty.
Membership Committee – Post membership is above 117%. We have five new members this month.
Boys State Committee – No report.
Other reports – Joe V reported that the Poker event is going well. We have between 9 and 20 hardcore participants. The Poker event needs more volunteers. Please consider volunteering. It is every Saturday – doors open at 12noon and the tourney begins at 1pm.
Joe V made a motion to allot $100 to put an ad in the Southside times.
Discussion – agree that the poker revenue will pay for the ad.
Ron seconded the motion.
Motion passes.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Phil Martinez had surgery.
Ken Hall
Unfinished Business
By-law vote.
Dave Everett made a motion to accept the By-laws that were sent to all members.
Dexter Albright seconded the motion.
Discussion: Steve Milburn would like to make a motion to table the discussion for further review. Seconded by Gary Totty. – hand count was done. 5 yes, 10 no. Motion failed.
The original motion to accept the By-laws was voted on. Motion to accept passed.
The By-laws will be presented to the Department Adjutant for review.
New Business
Ron would like for the American Legion to start a Dart league/tourney. Ron and Joe V are willing to volunteer on Tuesdays. Dave Tyler was willing to volunteer also. The Legion would need to purchase more dart boards. Please share with other members to try and get volunteers to start the league.
Good of Legion
The 7th District Meeting will be held at the Bloomington Post on 15May2022. Please attend if possible.
Dave Everett attended the American Legion College. Very informative.
Our District is low in membership. Although we are over 100% others are not as fortunate.
The new officer elections will take place on Tuesday 14Jun2022 at the regular scheduled meeting. Nominations are being accepted by the nominating committee and at the May meeting there will be open floor nominations.
Michael Roderick shared with members that a Train show will take place in August (see flyers for details). He would like to see 10-15 volunteers from this location as a whole. You will receive free admission and food. The train show is donating a table to the American Legion for use by membership.
50/50 – The total was $56. Winner was Michael Roderick. $28 was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.
Pass the Hat - Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat – Collected $29 and was delivered to Finance Officer Mike Tomes.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 1950 by Commander Sarah Campbell. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on May 10, 2022, at Post 1919.