Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 02/14/2023


Meeting Minutes

14 FEB 2023


The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 14 FEB 2023 by Commander Kip Blake.

15 members present.



Commander Kip Blake – Present        1st Vice Dexter Albright – Excused 

2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present  Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Excused Adjutant Michael Harris – Present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Jay Collars

Motion seconded by Joe Vidales

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Mike Tomes -

Jan end - $9,700.00

Current as of meeting - $10,300.00

Motion to approve – Dave Everett

Motion seconded by – Michael Roderick

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

101.19% - 170 members  / 168 goal


IT Committee -

Dexter Albright

No report.


Boys State Committee-

Jay Collars

Picked up two applicants from Franklin HS.

Would like to sponsor one more.

Application deadline is May.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Rich Carney

Michael Roderick

Bobby Jennett

Ed Dunham

Ron McCoy

Fred Brumley


Unfinished Business

-         American Legion 104 yr. birthday celebration. March 25th, 1400 – 1700, banquet room A. Pitch in. AL will supply meat. All members welcome.


New Business

No new business



Good of Legion

  • Scott Emmett shared the story of the 4 Chaplains.
  • Dave Everett
    • Need people to fill some open positions at the District level.
    • March 21st – VFW will be presenting Community Awards at the Post. All invited.
    • April 15th – Heart Stone Crossing will be playing at the Post. This is on a Saturday and will be from 1900 – 2300. Advance tickets $6. $8 at the door. Food and open bar.
    • April 1st – Vietnam Vets celebration at the post. Event is free. Starts at 1800.
    • Next District planning meeting will be held at the Mooresville post May 13th.
    • Gaming training will be held by the VFW for those interested.
    • AL college will be held in April prior to the Spring Conference.
    • May post elections in May. Need to form an Election Committee.
  • Michael Roderick
    • August 5/6. Franklin Train Show at the Johnson County Fair Grounds.
    • Handed out certificates for those who volunteered last year.


Pass the Hat and 50/50.

  • Pass the hat raise $26
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on February 14 2023, at Post 1919.

Meeting Minutes - 01/10/2023


Meeting Minutes

10 JAN 2023


The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 10 JAN 2023 by Commander Kip Blake.

21 members present.



Commander Kip Blake – Present                               1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present

2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Absent                          Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Present                          Adjutant Michael Harris – Present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present         



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees. Amendments to spelling of names.

Motion to approve by Dave Everett

Motion seconded by Jay Collars

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Mike Tomes -

End of year 2022. $8800 + $1200 and $500 Donations added to books


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

3 New Members

7 Renewals

2 Non-paying transfers

Total membership at 172. 101.19% of 2022 goal. Department goal is 100% by 17 May.



IT Committee -

Dexter Albright

No report.

End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Rich Carney

Michael Roderick

Bobby Jennett

Ed Dunham


Unfinished Business



New Business

  • American Legion Birthday - Dave Everett made a motion to hold a pitch in at the post on Sunday March 19th. Would like the Legion to put $150 towards meat and paper items, etc. All Legion members will be invited.
    • Dave Everett made motion.
    • Christine Hurley second the motion.
    • Motion carried
  • Boys State – Jay Collars is starting the process of canvasing schools for applicants. If anyone knows of any 11th grade boys that would be interested, please contact him. Cut off for application is May.
  • Post Relief Fund – Dexter Albright would like the Legion to help the VFW with relief for Veterans as they are picking up the entire tab for all relief funds given out. He suggested the Legion donate a maximum of $50 / Month.
    • Dexter made motion.
    • Christine Hurley second the motion.
    • Motion Carried

Good of Legion

  • Scott Emmett will start giving a short speech on the 9 Virtues. He will spread these out over 9 meetings.
  • Dave Everett
    • Next District meeting will be in Spencer on 11 February. The 4 Chaplains presentation will be given at this meeting.




  • Need people to fill some open positions at the District level.
  • Mid-winter conference is Jan 13/14. Indiana Alcohol/Gaming Commission will be giving a presentation on Indiana laws.
  • March 21st – VFW will be presenting Community Awards at the Post. All invited.
  • April 15th – Heart Stone Crossing will be playing at the Post. This is on a Saturday and will be from 1900 – 2300. Advance tickets $6. $8 at the door. Food and open bar.
  • April 1st – Vietnam Vets celebration at the post. Event is free. Starts at 1800.
  • February 4th – Christine Hurley invited everyone to stop by the post from 1000-1500 to see the Quilts of Valor being made. 171 nominees in the state of Indiana


Pass the Hat and 50/50.

  • Pass the hat raise $27
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 10 January, 20023 at Post 1919.

Meeting Minutes - 12/13/2022


Meeting Minutes

13 Dec 2022


The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 13 Dec 2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.


21 members present.



Commander Kip Blake – Present                                                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present

2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Absent                                               Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Absent                                                Adjutant Michael Harris – Present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Absent           



Welcome guests:

Spencer Dillman – Active USAF.

Dave Everrett introduced Spencer and family. Spencer is the youngest member of Post 1919.


Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees. No additions or corrections.

Motion to approve by Dave Everrett

Motion seconded by Garry Toddy

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Mike Tomes - Absent

End of previous of month still at $9000.00

No report given.


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

5 New Members

23 Renewals

Total membership at 159. 95% of 2022 goal.


IT Committee -

Dexter Albright

No report.

End of committee reports.



Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Joe Vadales

Don LaFontaine – Passed to post everlasting

Bobby Gennett

Ed Dunham


Unfinished Business

  • Still need volunteers for Saturday poker. May have to terminate if cannot get additional members to help out.
  • E-Mail survey was sent out to all members for suggestions on increasing support. There was a very low response with no suggestions.
  • Dart league starting on Saturday, January 7. Accepting suggestions on how to advertise.


New Business

  • Veterans family Christmas Donations to help 3 families in the local area. This will be a joint collaboration between Legion, VFW and Forty and Eight. Motion to donate $450 from the Pass the Hat Christmas fund. Mary Blake made a motion to approve. Dexter Albright Second the motion. Motion carried.
  • Post bartenders are holding a Customer Appreciation Night. The bartenders the past 2 years have done this out of pocket. Motion was made to donate $50 towards their cost. Dexter Albright made a motion to approve. Phil Martinez second. Motion carried.

Good of Legion

  • Discussion to make a paper and digital Introduction Pamphlet for new and current members. The following suggestions for content were made:
    • Detailing national and state Legion websites.
    • Officers names and email contacts.
    • Service Officer local and district with contact information.
    • Local FB page and website and any other social media platforms.
    • Preamble / Mission Statement.
    • What it means to be in the Legion.
  • Scott Emmett will present the 9 Virtues in the upcoming meetings.
  • Dave Everrett reminded all about the Mid-Winter Conference in Indy on January 13-15. Michael Harris, Post Adjutant will represent the 7th District as the Chairperson for Police/EMS/Fireman Awards.
  • Currently 4th place in District Membership.
  • Jay Colliers Submitted the application for small business award. He nominated Dexter Albright. He also informed us that Boys State applications start in January. There is currently $600 in the fund for sponsorship. The post will try to send 2-3 boys again this year.
  • Dexter Albright informed the membership that the Auxiliary will sponsor 1 girl for Girls State.


Pass the Hat and 50/50.

  • Pass the hat raise $57
  • 50/50 was not held this meeting.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 10 January, 20023 at Post 1919.

Meeting Minutes - 11/08/2022


Meeting Minutes

08 NOV 2022

The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 08 NOV 2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.
21 members present.
Commander Kip Blake – Present                1st Vice Dexter Albright – Excused
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present            Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present
Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Present            Adjutant Michael Harris – Present
Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present    
Welcome guests: 

Approval of Minutes
Due to technical issues, October minutes were not able to be sent out on the email distribution. Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes was made by Mike Tomes.
Motion seconded by Joe Vidales
Motion Carried.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee – 
Mike Tomes
End of previous month October with $9000.00. 
$200 - $300 monthly bills spent.
$600 - $800 income in poker.
Motion to accept Finance report: Michael Roderick. Seconded by Gary Toddy.
Motion carried.

Membership Committee – 
Michael Harris. 
District 7 is in 10th place with 78.57% renewal.
12 renewals and 7 new members for the month of October.

IT Committee -
Dexter Albright
No report. 
End of committee reports.

Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Bobby Gennet
Dan LaFontane
David Price

Unfinished Business

New Business
Good of Legion
-    Freedom Festival Haven for Heroes at the VFW post 11/19.
-    Thanksgiving dinner for anyone that wants to attend on 11/24.
-    Veteran breakfast at the post on 11/12 for any veteran that wants to attend.
-    Veterans Day dinner special at the post on 11/11.
-    If anyone that has old Legion hats that would like to donate to members that would help defer the cost of a new one, please contact Kip Blake.
-    Mention of membership pins for members to wear. Will discuss in next E-board meeting.
-    New membership packets to explain the benefits and mission of the Legion. Listing of all Officers, website, Facebook, email addresses, etc.

Pass the Hat and 50/50.
-    Pass the hat raise $40
-    50/50 was $40. Scott Emmett won. Donated money back to the Legion.

Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting was adjourned at 1940 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 13 November, 2022 at Post 1919.

Meeting Minutes 11Oct2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 11Oct2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.


17 members present.



Commander Kip Blake – present                               1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Mike Roderick – present                              Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mike Harris – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Gary Toddy, Seconded by Christin Clifford Hurley.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $8700.00

Earmarked for Boys State: $600.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Jay Collier, Second by Gary Toddy. Motion passed.


Membership Committee

Mike Harris is absent – presented by Dave Everett

Post membership 64%

6th Place in the district – above target at this time.

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting). 

Member; Christine Clifford Hurley asked for membership forms to give out when you is working with veterans through the Quilts of Valor Foundation.  Dave Everett provided to her.

Asked if there were questions.  None.




IT Committee -

No report.


Boys State-

No report.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Sick Call:

Joe Vidales – surgery is scheduled for Monday, October 17, 2022.  Mary Blake informed membership that is a Meal Train on the website to help out Joe and his wife Beth during this difficult time.

Phil Martinez wanted to thank membership for their positive thoughts and prayers during his illness and that he is thankful to be here.  Specifically, thanks to Dave Everett and Scott Emmett for all their help.  They purchased this new cane that I am using.


Unfinished Business



New Business

Veteran Services Officer has been working with a veteran and the Military Relief Fund to help this veteran and his family.  He is a USMC veteran, married with small children.  This veteran is in financial need and if the membership would allow the Legion to assist they should be refunded by the Military relief fund.  Dave Everett made a motion to assist this veteran and his family with $750.  This motion was seconded by Gary Toddy.  Motion was passed by the membership.

Good of Legion

  • Pass the hat raised $25.
  • 50/50 Total $41. won and donated all but $10 back to the post.
  • Jay Collier has invited the Legion membership to the 40 / 8 Christmas gathering and dinner. The 40 / 8 have invited other organizations to include Marian School of Nursing and Ivy Tech’s School of Nursing.  The event is December 12, 2022 – social time is 5:30-6:30pm followed by an opening ceremony and dinner. 


  • Quilts of Valor Foundation – The Quilts of Valor program started their mission due to the needs in Iraq and Afghanistan but found need all over for veterans. Christine raises funds for the materials used to make these quilts.  She is the State coordinator and local group leader.  If you want further information you can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • District 7 news. Dave Everett.


  • Membership is 63.69% and target is 55%
  • Target by November 7th is 65%
  • District revitalization is 10/30 @ the Mooresville location 1300hrs. Last year was a true success story, reaching out is very important. There is dinner at 4pm if you stay.  Dave Everett will even buy you dinner if you come and help out and stay.
  • Dave has received Post 252 and Mooresville this week – so there will be more coming on the district information.
  • Reminder of the 10-year program - $350 – dues are going up after next year. National American Legion is considering the 10-year program also.
  • Indiana Veterans Homes have care center bingo in Nov/Dec.
  • Programs:
    • Flag Education – 340 booklets going out to schools.
    • District would like to see 1 person from each district at the convention next year – plan to attend.
    • Nominate a small business for company of the year – suggest maybe our very own ABC that has done/given a lot to Post 1919.
    • Legion College – Dave attended last year. 3 day long class to learn a lot about the American Legion.  District can send 2/3 people.
  • Poker is in trouble - Help is needed with Saturday poker tournament. Contact Dave Everett. With Joe Vidales out, there is no way for it to continue without volunteers stepping up.  Tony Kirk has been helping Dave Everett, but it is too much for just a couple of people to run it all.  If you want to be on the gaming license, please contact Steve Milbourn or any Legion officer.
  • We cannot host the May 13 district due to a conflict in the schedule.
  • Plan to attend the Fall Freedom Festival on November 19th. This event sponsored by Haven for Hero’s. They are providing food and music.  There will be cornhole and dart tournaments, raffles, and lots of fun.  There will be information tables.  Steven Milbourn mentioned that a resource that will be there is in regard to Humana options that can save you money on your social security. 


Closing ceremonies performed.


Meeting was adjourned at 1945 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 08NOV2022 at Post 1919.


Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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