Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 03/14/2023


Meeting Minutes
14 MAR 2023


The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 14 MAR 2023 by 1st Vice Commander Dexter Albright.


Commander Kip Blake – Excused     

1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present

2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present 

Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Excused

Adjutant Michael Harris – Present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present

E-Board: Joe Vidales – Present, Mary Blake – Excused


Welcome guests:

Gina Owens – South District VC

Brent Harrel – 1st VC Post 233

Terry Smiley – Post 252

Ted McDonald – Post 355


Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes were distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Joe Vidales

Motion seconded by John Cambell

Motion Carried.


 Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Mike Tomes -

Feb end - $11,000.00


Current as of meeting - $10,900.00

Motion to approve – Dave Everett

Motion seconded by – Phil Martinez

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Michael Harris

101.19% - 170 members  / 168 goal

Dave Everett

2 Transfers, Ted McDonald, Terry Smiley

4 New paid transfers.

Post 1919 can win National Commander Membership Award if we hit 103% by 31 March.


IT Committee -

Dexter Albright

No report.


Boys State Committee-

Jay Collars – No Report


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Jennett

Ed Dunham

Fred Brumley


 Unfinished Business

-         No unfinished business


New Business

Election Committee to be formed for May meeting Officer Elections.

Committee Members formed at the meeting will be:

  • Michael Harris – Post Adjutant
  • Joe Vidales – E-Board Member
  • John Campbell – Post Member

An email will be sent out to Post Membership reminding them of the election meeting in May and solicitation of Officer nominations.


Good of Legion

  • Gina Owens
    • National programs for membership
    • Legacy Foundation – Set up to continue Legion programs.
    • Childrens Hospital donations. Goal for the post is $300.
      • Donation bucket is set up by the bar entrance. Due 1 July.
    • Recommend 10yr membership. Yearly dues will increase 2025.
  • Dave Everett
    • Presented 100% Membership Flag to Post Adjutant Michael Harris.
    • District Fire, Police, EMT award nominations. 3 so far from 7th
    • Cadet Law Enforcement information if interested.
    • Gaming Commission will be at the VFW 18 March if anyone interested. Topic is charitable gaming.
    • Post 1919 data form due to state by 15 April.
    • April district meeting at Bloomington on 22 April.
    • May district meeting at Mooresville for district planning and post everlasting.
    • Spring Conference at Shadeland Marriott on 14/15 April,


  • Need help at District level. Advisory Council, committee’s, etc. If interested, contact Dave Everret.
  • Korean War POW Sgt. Charles Garrigus from Indiana. His remains have been returned to the United States.
  • John Reischman
    • Crown Hill Cemetery has established a dedicated area for veterans.


Pass the Hat and 50/50.

  • Pass the hat raise $34
  • 50/50 Not Held


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs. by 1st Vice Commander Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 11 April 2023.


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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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