American Legion
Dept. of IN
Centennial Post 1919
Regular Meeting 7/9/19
Meeting opened at 7:04 in proper form, with 21 members present, and all officers present or accounted for.
GUESTS- Sam Petty, Hoosier Boy’s State participant, and 7th Dist. Adj. Gina Owens
Minutes of the last meeting were approved by motion from Jay Collars, 2nd. by Jim Cox.
Meeting was then suspended by motion from Mike Delaney, 2nd. by Jay Collars, approved. This to allow a report by Jay Collars on the Post’s participation of the Hoosier Boy’s State program. Jay read his report, (see attached), followed by remarks from Sam Petty. A question and answer period followed. Photos followed.
The meeting was called back to order, by motion from Gary Toddy, 2nd by Mike Delaney, approved.
Reports followed;
Finance- No report.
Raffle Committee- Mike Delaney gave a report on the status of our monthly gun raffles, held in conjunction with the V.F.W. Current raffle is just about sold out, and the next item will probably be a shotgun. Raffle profits are alternation between the Legion and the V.F.W.
Sick report-Joe Vidales is finally back home, and was present at the meeting.
Question raised on the condition of Art Parkhurst, and Honor Guard member Howard Bennis.
New Business-Ladies Aux. is up and running, with their charter expected soon.
Good of the Legion-Gina updated all on the Dept., and National conventions which are coming up. She also asked for volunteers to help on the National convention.
Commander’s Report-He reported on the last Dist. 7 meeting, and stated that he was appointed as a delegate to the National Convention. He also stated that Post 1919 will offer to host a District meeting in the Spring of 2020 after we are in our new home.
He also asked for ideas for raising funds to help the newly formed Ladies Aux. with start-up costs.
Meeting was closed in proper form at 7:45 PM
Respectfully submitted for your approval
Mike Delaney