Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 08/10/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1902 hrs. on 10AUG2021 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


18 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - excused

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          




Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Don LaFontaine.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $5300.00ish

Slight increase due to memberships

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Don LaFontaine, Second by Gary Totty


Membership Committee

Dave Everett discussed that all cards have been sent and picked up.  Latest: 2 new members:  Donna Owens and Steven Frost.  More to come on new members. 

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  Asked if there were questions.  None.


IT Committee -

1st Vice Dexter Albright reported that the use of Live Streaming has not yet been approved.  Still pending.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ron McCoy – out of hospital


Sick Call:

Ken Hall – at home

Bobby Jennett – ongoing

Sarah Campbell – family has contracted Covid but are not in serious condition.


Unfinished Business



New Business

Don Lafontaine reminding membership that we need to find funding sources and ways to bring in revenue.  This was discussed at the e-board meeting and looking for ideas from membership.  Please bring us your thoughts and ideas.  Membership dues will not move us in the right direction for the Post.

Steve Milbourn shared that the VFW had a successful Garage Sale event on a Sunday.  Made approximately $575 in the 4.5 hours.  The Auxiliary had planned on doing one but it didn’t work out, maybe something the Legion should try. 

Gary Totty asked the question as to why the Legion doesn’t have a gaming license.  Dexter shared that it is expensive and there is a lot of red tape.  Mike Tomes spoke up and said that the license doesn’t make a difference, we can share to an extent.  A problem is that the VFW uses the license a lot to pay the bills.  Only allowed 3 events per week and these are determined at the beginning of the year.  Saturdays are open and the Legion could do an event.

Dave Everett discussed the option of a Poker event. Need to square away details and planning. Need volunteers.  Steve shared that Tony Kirk does Poker at the Moose and averages 60-65 people and about $3000.  Gary Totty would like to volunteer to help.

Good of Legion

The eboard and Commander will start discussing and bring forward the planning for Christmas event.

Dave Everett, as the District Vice over Post 1919 and the Edinburgh Post, that the next District meeting would be Sunday September 18 in Duger, IN and all were welcome to attend.

A discussion of the Flag Education program at the schools should be forthcoming with information.  The Post needs to reach out to school districts.  If you know someone in the schools you could help out by making that connection.  Should be 4th graders.  We have not participated in the past.  Gary Totty has volunteered to give the information to a contact at a school.

Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat.  Adjutant counted $50 and delivered to Finance Chair.

Dave Everett announced that the Auxiliary is meeting again.  It is the 2nd Tuesday (same day time as the Legions meetings).  There are membership requirements but if you know someone interested reach out to a Legion Officer for more information.

Don Lafontaine shared that there will be a Car Show, this Saturday.  Also, VFW Auxiliary Bingo is 8/15 from 1pm to 5pm.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1933 hrs. by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on October 12, 2021 at Post 1919.

Minutes submitted by:

Mary Lach-Blake




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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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