Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 08/09/2022


Meeting Minutes

09 AUG 2022


The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 09 AUG 2022 at the 1919 Post by Commander Kip Blake.


21 members present.



Commander Kip Blake – Present                               1st Vice Dexter Albright – Present

2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present                         Chaplain Scott Emmett - Present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – Present                          Adjutant Michael Harris – Present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - Present         



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Garry Toddy, Seconded by Dave Everett.

Motion Carried.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Mike Tomes

End of previous month July at $6700.00. Currently at $7600.00.

Increase contributed to membership renewal dues and poker proceeds.

Motion to accept Finance report: Joe Vidales, Second by John Campbell.

Motion carried.


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

Post 1919 membership goal for 2023 increased to 168 from 158 in 2022.

Post 1919 received the 100% Membership Pennant and Certificate for 2022. 



Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  There is a 10-year membership for $350. 

If you or a Veteran that you know can’t afford membership, let Mike Harris or Dexter Albright know.  There are options. 


IT Committee -

Dexter Albright

No report.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Gennett – Continuing to recover.

Don LaFontaine – Recovering nicely after surgery and therapy.

Bill Martinez

Ed Bichalous – Post 252 member going thru Chemo Therapy


Unfinished Business



New Business

District Meeting will be held at Post 1919 on May 13, 2023.

Good of Legion

Steve Milbourn

  • August 27th, come out to the post to celebrate Gary Toddy’s B-Day. Everyone will receive a free beer.
  • 8/27 there will be a silent auction.

Mike Tomes

  • There is post memorabilia that can be purchase for a donation to the post.

Dave Everett

  • No District meeting for August. District Officers will be performing ride arounds to visit posts during the month.
  • District meeting in September will be in Brazil, IN. The Post Everlasting Ceremony will be held during the meeting.
  • District buddy calls day will be schedule with membership committee’s and volunteers.


  • Informed the members that the Post does receive $5 from a 10-year membership.

Kip Blake

  • Post 1919 will be putting the “Pass the Hat” money to use this year to possibly sponsor 2-3 veteran families in need.

Michael Roderick

  • Reminder of the Franklin Train Show August 27 & 28 at the Franklin Fair Grounds.
  • E-Benefits for veterans has combined services on the website. This makes it easier to use and increases communication between the departments.

Joe Vidales

  • Still need volunteers for Saturday Poker from 1300 – 1600. Run tables, food and other assistance. 1 time a month from a couple of members will help greatly.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Kip Blake. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 13 Sept 2022 at Post 1919.


Related Articles

Meeting Minutes - 07/13/2021

Meeting Minutes - 06/08/2021

Meeting Minutes - 05/11/2021

Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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