Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 05/10/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 10MAY2021 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


19 members present.




Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Mike Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee – Mike Tomes reported Currently have approximately $7,500 and all bills are paid.  Poker brought in about $1,500.  We are paying the VFW water bill.

Motion to accept report: Gary Totty, Second by Dave Everett.


Membership Committee – Two renewals, 1 transfer.  122.4% 

New renewals will start in July 2022.  Legion now has a new membership option – 10-year option.  It is $350.


Boys State Committee – Jay Colliers – Boys State Report.  The Post sponsored a Boy state district 7 orientation.  It was very successful.  Three participants and they will return to speak to the American Legion after the event.


Other reports – Joe V – Poker report.  Going well so far.  We will have poker this Saturday 5/14/2022 and we will have two poker tourneys.  First one is registration at 12:00, start at 1:00pm.  $30 buy in.  Expect about 15 people.  The second will have registration at 5:00pm and starting at 6:00pm $60 buy in.  We don’t know how many to expect.  Need volunteers to help in case it is busy.  It was run on Facebook ad with a lot of response.  Steve Milbourn confirmed that to be on gaming license you can be VFW or VFW auxiliary. 


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Phil Martinez – In the hospital.

Bobby Jennett – Health is getting worse.

Ken Hall – Going into Hospice.  Steven visited with him and his wife.

Ralph Schluster – Ill

Don LaFontaine – Out of hospital and getting better.  He is moving to Texas very soon.

Ed Dunham


Unfinished Business



New Business



Good of Legion


Dave Everett – District meeting on 6/14 in Bloomington.  There will be a Post Everlasting service.

-Should we start a Post Everlasting service at Post level?

-If you would like to participate in District level, let Dave know.

-Although are membership is at 122.4% of goal, we are not in the lead.

Steve Milbourn there will be the Freedom Fest in Greenwood the last Saturday of June.  The VFW will have a table and Beer Cart.  Feel free to come visit and share American Legion info as new membership starts July!

The Beer Cart shares 50% of money with VFW. Will need 9/10 volunteer bartenders from 3pm to 10pm.  You will need to get a volunteer’s servers license – good for 2 years and is $15.


Mike Roderick spoke about the Train show even in August.  See the flyers around VFW for information.  Need volunteers!  2 hours of your time – gets you in for free and some free food.

Pass the Hat - $31 – delivered to Mike Tomes

50/50 $31 – winner Joe V – donated his 50% back to American Legion. Delivered to Mike Tomes

Nominations and elections of the new Officers.

Nomination committee has the following nominations.  Then you will be allowed to do any floor nominations.

Commander – Kip Blake

                                         No new nominations

1st Vice – Dexter Albright

                                         No new nominations

2nd Vice – Mike Roderick

                                         No new nominations

Adjutant – Mike Harris

                                         No new nominations

Finance – Mike Tomes

                                         No new nominations

Sgt at Arms – Tyler Pantel

                                         New nomination – Jeff Emerson

E board

-                                        Joe V

-                                        Mary Blake

-                                        No new nominations


Only required vote is for Sgt at Arms.  The election committee passed out voting slips.  Votes cast, votes collected and counted by election committee.  Winner of the Sgt at Arms is Jeff Emerson.


Closing ceremonies performed. Meeting was adjourned at 1950 by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1946 on May 10, 2022, at Post 1919.







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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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