Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 06/14/2022


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 hrs. on 14June2022 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


13 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Garry Toddy, Seconded by Michael Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $7500.00ish

Expended for Boys State: $100.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Dave Tyler, Second by Garry Toddy


Membership Committee

Michael Harris.

Post 1919 membership is 126%

Start the push for 2023. 

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  There is a 10-year membership for $310. 

If you or a Veteran that you know can’t afford membership, let Mike Harris or Dexter Albright know.  There are options. 

Dave Everett reminds everyone that getting the numbers up are important for better representation at the House/Congress/for legislative purposes. 


IT Committee -

No report.


Hoosier Boys State

One of our boys state representative ran for the Governor position but didn’t win.  This event is great for college applications and other community focused recognition.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ken Hall moved on to Post Everlasting

-Ken was integral in starting Post 1919 and was the Chaplain.  He was very welcoming.  Steven M and Ken would visit the local nursing homes and Ken was extraordinary.  He was known to be a little hard headed but very sincere. 

-Steve Milbourn met with Ken’s wife, Sue today and she is doing okay.  The daughter is setting up the memorial service and will happen towards the end of August or first part of September. 


Sick Call:

Don LaFountaine – Has moved to Texas and had a surgery.  He is in a rehabilitation facility and in good spirits.

Ron McCoy – Had a hip replacement 3 ½ weeks ago.  Keep in your prayers.

Bobby Gennett – On June 10th he was looking better.

Mike Roderick – Hip surgery – doing well.

Jeff Emerson – Having back issues.


Unfinished Business

Dave Everett was curious “what is the status of live streaming the meeting?”  Dexter will follow up on that in the next month.


New Business



Good of Legion

1st Vice Dexter Albright asked the Sgt At Arms to please invite the Auxiliary to our meeting.


-As District 7’s representative, Dave Everett reported the Districts new Commander is Dale McDonald.  He is out of Jacksonville.

-Dave would like to bring up that if Post 1919 wants to host a District 7 meeting we need to present that to the District right away.  The commander should get with the VFW to find an open Saturday to host.

-District 7’s Chaplain, Herald Hensley recently passed away.

-The Indiana Department Convention is coming up.  It is an informative meeting with a lot of comradery - District hospitality is great.


-Pass the Hat raised $46.00


-Mike Roderick would like to remind the members of the opportunities available at the Train show 8/27 & 8/28.  Sign up sheets have been passed out and if you have questions, see Mike Roderick.


The Installation of the new Officers was completed by Past Commander of Post 1919 and District 7 Vice Dave Everett. 


New Officers Installed:

Commander                     Kip Blake

1st Vice                             Dexter Albright

2nd Vice                            Mike Roderick

Adjutant                           Mike Harris

Finance                            Mike Tomes

Sgt at Arms                      Jeff Emerson


The Chaplain, Scott Emmett led the prayers over the Officers.



      -Jen Albright, President of the Post 1919 American Legion Auxiliary wanted to ensure that members were aware of parade participation coming up at the Freedom Festival, June 25, 2022.  Meeting at the Farmers Market in Greenwood at 2:30pm.


     -Steve Milbourn reminded members that there are volunteer opportunities to help with the beer tend. 

     -Gary Stout wanted to thank the Auxiliary for their generous gift basket at Christmas time.

     -The new Commander, Kip Blake appointed the following:

                                         Judge Advocate – Steve Milbourn

                                         Chaplain – Scott Emmett

                                         Historian – Dave Tyler

                                         Service Officer – Open


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1945 hrs. by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 12JULY2022 at Post 1919.


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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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