Meeting Minutes
09 July 2024
The regular meeting of theAMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 at 1902 hrs. 09 July 2024 by Commander Michael Harris.
Commander Michael Harris – Present
1st Vice Gary Totty – Present
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Present
Chaplain Scott Emmett- Present
Sgt At Arms Ted MacDonald – Absent
Adjutant Terry Smiley – Present
Finance Officer Doree Boger – Present
E-Board: Phil Martinez – Present
Tim Morris – Present
20 Members in Attendance
Welcome guests:
Joe Allen – Department Southern Vice Commander
Dirk Titus – SAL
Rick Ebb – District 7 Vice Commander
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes distributed to attendees.
Motion to approve by Garry Totty, Second by Phil Martinez.
The minutes of the previous meeting unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Doree Boger
- June Finance Report 2024
- Deposit $0.00
- Bills-checks -249.64
- Membership -35.00
- Purchases 00
- Christmas 00
- Balance as of June 30, 2024, $11,094.01
Motion to accept report by Dave Everett, Second by Michael Roderick.
The financial report for May unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
Membership Committee
Dave Everett
104% of Goal, as of June 11, 2024.
Dues have increased to $55. The 10-year option is still available. It is a Department program and the cost is $400 for 2025. This is still your best option. If you are a 10-year member, you will still get a renewal note from National. You are paid up, just see membership chair with questions/concerns. National has a 3-year program at $45 each, $135 total.
September 1, 2024 is cut-off for Early Bird renewal.
Looking to do an Early Bird Dinner ??
IT Committee
Dexter Albright
No Updates.
Ed Wickham
Dirk Titus
Meetings are on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.
Dual members to receive a pin.
$20 membership dues.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Bobby Jennett
John McLain - Surgery
Ralph Schuster – Parkinson’s
Joe Vidales - Back
Unfinished Business
- None
New Business
- Commander
- ASA Golf outing.
- August 30, 2024 at Valle Vista.
- Tee time 0830.
- We will sponsor up to Four (4) spots.
- Participants needed.
- Commander
- Four (4) appointed positions needing filled.
- Chaplain
- Historian
- Judge Advocate General (JAG)
- Service Officer
- If anyone is interested, please contact the Commander or another Officer.
- Four (4) appointed positions needing filled.
- Commander
- Reading of the amended By-Laws.
- Article XIII of Post 1919 By-Laws.
- SAL Amendment.
- Read Aloud by Commander.
- Vote to adopt amended By-Laws adopted 100 % by attending members.
- Boys State Committee
- One of our boys was selected as the Top 6 candidates.
- AL Auxiliary
- Meeting with their candidates sent.
- We will have a joint meeting around September 2024 to discuss how it went with the girls.
- Article XIII of Post 1919 By-Laws.
- Reading of the amended By-Laws.
Good of the Legion
- Joe Allen, Department Southern Vice Commander
- Convention
- July 10-14, 2024.
- Marriott East Indianapolis.
- Buddy Check
- Call members you haven’t seen in a while.
- One way to help with membership retention.
- District Meeting
- August to be organizational meeting.
- Rick Ebb, District 7 Vice Commander
- Meeting with several veteran’s organizations to see what how they can help our veterans.
- Franklin Train Show
- August 3-4, 2024.
- Franklin, IN.
- Michael Roderick has information and sign-up sheets for volunteers.
- Will be approximately 350 vendors.
- Greenwood VFW Riders
- Tim Morris
- Ride was to raid money for college / trade school scholarships.
- Raised $4000.
- Dave Everett
- Motion to purchase up to $200 worth of AL vehicle plates with 1919 Family.
- They will have all three Legion organizations listed.
- American Legion.
- American Legion Auxiliary.
- Sons of American Legion.
- Will be available for purchase at $10.00 each.
- They will have all three Legion organizations listed.
- Tim Morris
- Represented Post 1919 at the Greenwood Freedom Festival.
- Planting Trees/Shrubs
- 20 Jul 2024.
- Planting 16 shrubs and 7 trees.
- Per city of Greenwood instruction.
- Needing help to plant.
- Most have been donated.
- Needing help to purchase additional shrubs/trees.
- 3 additional shrubs needed.
- Approximately $45 each, $135 total.
- 4 additional trees needed.
- Approximately $90 each, $360 total.
- Doree Boger to personally donate $135.
- Tim Morris made motion to donate up to $800, Charles Teague second.
- Motion Carried.
- 3 additional shrubs needed.
- Needing help to purchase additional shrubs/trees.
- Motion to purchase up to $200 worth of AL vehicle plates with 1919 Family.
- Ride was to raid money for college / trade school scholarships.
- Tim Morris
- Convention
Scott Emmett/Phil Martinez
- The battle of Fredericksburg was a one-sided Civil War encounter that left thousands of Union troops dead or wounded after a failed attempt to overrun a firmly entrenched Confederate Army. Wave after wave of Union soldiers were cut down as they tried in vain to smash through a stone wall that protected the Confederates. The ground was soon littered with wounded, whose cries for help filled the air during lulls in the fighting. Those cries reached the ears of teenage Confederate soldier Richard Kirkland, who begged his general for permission to give water and aid to the injured. After the general reluctantly agreed, Kirkland gathered several canteens of water and went over the wall. In full view of both the Union and Confederate troops, Kirkland gave water and comfort to the wounded soldiers. Firing from both sides stopped and was soon replaced by cheers and applause. Hostilities resumed whenever Kirkland went back over the wall to get more supplies and stopped whenever he returned. The strange spectacle continued well into the night, with Kirkland reaching most of the wounded. For his uncommon act of compassion, both sides dubbed Richard Kirkland “The Angel Of Marye’s Heights.”
Legionnaire Spotlight
- Several people gave brief stories of specific instances of time in service.
Pass the Hat and 50/50
- Pass the hat raised $42.00.
- 50/50 Not Held.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting adjourned at 1950 hrs. by Commander Michael Harris.
The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs. on 13 AUG 2024.