Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 08/13/2024


Meeting Minutes

13 August 2024



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 at 1902 hrs.   14 August 2024 by Commander Michael Harris.


Commander              Michael Harris – Present     

1st Vice                     Gary Totty – Present

2nd Vice                    Michael Roderick – Present 

Chaplain                   Scott Emmett- Present

Sgt At Arms              Ted MacDonald – Absent    

Adjutant                   Terry Smiley – Present

Finance Officer         Doree Boger – Present

E-Board:                   Phil Martinez  – Present

                                 Tim Morris – Present



18 Members in Attendance

1 SAL Member


Welcome guests:

                                 Jesse Brown – District 7 Commander

                                 Rick Ebb – District 7 Vice Commander


Approval of Minutes

Previous meeting minutes distributed to attendees.

Motion to approve by Doree Boger, Second by Michael Roderick.

The minutes of the previous meeting unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.



Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Doree Boger

  • July 2024 Finance Report
    • Deposit           $2,058.00
    • Bills-checks             00
    • Membership           00
      • -1575.00 to AL National
    • Purchases 00
    • Christmas 00
  • Balance as of July 31, 2024, $10,977.01

Motion to accept report by Phil Martinez, Second by Garry Totty.

The financial report for May unanimously approved as distributed.

Motion Carried.


Membership Committee

Dave Everett

43% of 2025 Goal, as of August 13, 2024.

Dues have increased to $55. The 10-year option is still available. It is a Department program and the cost is $400 for 2025. This is still your best option. If you are a 10-year member, you will still get a renewal note from National. You are paid up, just see membership chair with questions/concerns. National has a 3-year program at $55 each, $165 total.

September 1, 2024 is cut-off for Early Bird renewal. Looking to do an Early Bird Dinner ?


IT Committee

Dexter Albright

No Updates.



Ed Wickham

Dirk Titus

Meetings are on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.

Dual members to receive a pin.

$20 membership dues.



Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Bobby Jennett

Larry Ross - Hospitalization

Ralph Schuster – Parkinson’s

Rich Carney – Pneumonia

Ed Clark – Knee Replacement August 15


Unfinished Business

  • Commander Michael Harris
    • Three (3) appointed positions needing filled.
      • Historian
      • Judge Advocate General (JAG)
      • Service Officer
    • If anyone is interested, please contact the Commander or another Officer.
  • Dave Everett
    • 1919 Family AL Vehicle Plates are in!
      • They have all three Legion organizations listed.
        • American Legion.
        • American Legion Auxiliary.
        • Sons of American Legion.
      • Will be available for purchase at $10.00 each.
      • See Dave or another officer if you would like to purchase.
    • Commander Michael Harris
      • ASA Golf outing.
      • August 30, 2024 at Valle Vista.
      • Tee time 0830.
      • We are sponsoring Four (4) spots.
    • Christmas Fund
      • Business Donations/Sponsorships are needed.
      • Goal is to sponsor four or five families for Christmas Dinner.
    • Garage Sale has not been locked in.
      • May need to postpone until Spring 2025.


New Business

  • None


Good of the Legion


Scott Emmett/Phil Martinez

    • The book of Job in the Christian Bible is one of the most compelling examples of perseverance in the face of unimaginable suffering. At the hands of Satan he lost all of his children, wealth and his health. He suffered horrible and painful skin sores. His close friends and even his wife urged him to curse God and give up. But he maintained his faith and refused to turn against God. Job’s unwavering faith in the face of adversity was and is a testament to his unending trust in God’s plan. Despite intense grief and physical pain, he sought wisdom and remained true to his faith. In the end, God restored Job’s fortunes and blessed him with more that he had before his trials began. His story encourages believers to remain faithful and resilient, trusting that God has a purpose for our suffering and will ultimately bring about from our trials.


Legionnaire Spotlight

  • As September 11 approaches, Dave Everett gave a story of his deployment to the Middle East within days after the terrorist attack. He was working outside on base burying cable lines/connections. All of sudden an explosion. Then another, and another and another. He and a coworker hit the deck thinking they are under attack. As it turns out, ORD Disposal was discarding several suspicious unattended packages.


Pass the Hat and 50/50

  • Pass the hat raised $40.00.
  • 50/50 Not Held.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting adjourned at 1942 hrs. by Commander Michael Harris.

The next general meeting will be held at 1900 hrs. on 10 SEP 2024.

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Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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