Meeting Minutes
08 October 2024
The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 at 1900 hrs. 08 October 2024 by Commander Michael Harris.
Commander Michael Harris – Present
1st Vice Gary Totty – Present
2nd Vice Michael Roderick – Excused
Chaplain Scott Emmett – Present
Sgt At Arms Ted MacDonald – Present
Adjutant Terry Smiley – Present
Finance Officer Doree Boger – Present
E-Board: Phil Martinez – Present
Tim Morris – Present
17 Members in Attendance
1 SAL Member
Welcome guests:
Rick Ebb – Post/Squadron 252
John Freeland – DAV
Approval of Minutes
Previous meeting minutes distributed to attendees.
Motion to approve by Garry Totty, Second by Doree Boger.
The minutes of the previous meeting unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Doree Boger
- September 2024 Finance Report
- Deposit $0.00
- Bills-checks -147.75
- Membership -315.00
- Purchases 00
- Christmas 75
- Balance as of September 30, 2024, $11,304.54.
Motion to accept report by Tim Morris, Second by Charles Teague.
The financial report for September 2024 unanimously approved as distributed.
Motion Carried.
- Motion made by Doree to draft a letter to bank so an account can be created for SAL. Second by Dave Everett. Motion Carried.
Membership Committee
Dave Everett
52% of 2025 (108 of 208) Goal, as of October 8, 2024.
Dues have increased to $55. The 10-year option is still available. It is a Department program and the cost is $400 for 2025. This is still your best option. If you are a 10-year member, you will still get a renewal note from National. You are paid up, just see membership chair with questions/concerns. National has a 3-year program at $55 each, $165 total.
IT Committee
Dexter Albright
No Updates.
Ed Wickham
Dirk Titus
Meetings are on the Fourth Thursday of the Month.
Dual members to receive a pin.
$20 membership dues.
Showing movie “Down Periscope” in honor of Navy Birthday.
- October 13, 2024, 1800 Hrs.
Sick Call and Relief
Keep in Prayers:
Bobby Jennett – Not doing well.
Don Harris – Out of Hospital.
Rich Carney – Back in hospital, Heart/Lung concerns.
Ed Wickham – Back operation.
George and Connie Wallace – Prayers for storm relief.
Unfinished Business
- Commander Michael Harris
- Three (3) appointed positions needing filled.
- Historian
- Judge Advocate General (JAG)
- Service Officer
- If anyone is interested, please contact the Commander or another Officer.
- Three (3) appointed positions needing filled.
- Dave Everett
- 1919 Family AL Vehicle Plates are in!
- They have all three Legion organizations listed.
- American Legion.
- American Legion Auxiliary.
- Sons of American Legion.
- Will be available for purchase at $10.00 each.
- See Dave or another officer if you would like to purchase.
- They have all three Legion organizations listed.
- Christmas Fund
- Business Donations/Sponsorships are needed.
- Goal is to sponsor four or five families for Christmas Dinner.
- 1919 Family AL Vehicle Plates are in!
New Business
- John Freeland
- Disabled American Veterans
- Department Service Officer
- Came in to discuss his role helping veterans needing assistance with VA records/cases.
- Left his business cards, contact Dave for more information.
- VFW Post 5864 is requesting we pay $350 month rent.
- Agreement was signed to provide $300 donation each month until end of our physical year, 30 Jun 2025. It will be revisited at that time to see if we can pay the additional amount.
- Vote was held to pay the entire monthly amount in one lump sum.
- Will pay $2700 to cover rent of 1 Oct 2024 to 30 Jun 2025.
- The agreement incorporated the below statements:
- Donation includes the office the AL currently occupies.
- There will be no additional monthly fees/bill attached to the rent or agreement.
- All AL fundraising/gaming proceeds will stay with the AL
- All AL/ALA/SAL meeting days and times will remain the same and cannot be moved by VFW business management.
- All AL/ALA/SAL official functions that are booked in advance when no other post functions, either internal or external are booked for that day and time, cannot be cancelled due to other business that want to be book on the same day and time frame. This would include any internal or external business, paid or unpaid.
- AL poker tournament cannot be changed from weekly Saturday 1200 to 1600 HRS.
- During the discussion with VFW, it was suggested to hold an ALL Organization get together event.
- To raise community involvement.
- Get more member involvement, from all organizations.
- Army / Navy Game.
- 14 Dec 2024 1500 Hrs.
- VFW Events.
- Professional Wrestling
- 13 Oct 2024 1400 Hrs.
- Fish Fry
- 18 Oct 2024 1600 to 1900 Hrs.
- Professional Wrestling
- Disabled American Veterans
Good of the Legion
- District Meeting
- Sullivan Post 139
- October 13, 2025
- Dave Everett
- Gaming time is officially 12:00 pm to 12:00 am.
- Motion made to move forward to explore Euchre Tournament
- Saturdays, Time TBD
- Motion Carried.
- Phil Martinez
- Daughters of Revolutionary War.
- Provides the following to Vietnam Veterans.
- ‘Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans’ book.
- A Daughters of Revolutionary War Pin.
- Take a picture of you with them.
- Thank you card for serving.
- Letter from Daughters of Revolutionary War.
- This is a way for you Vietnam Veterans to receive the ‘Welcome Home’ you did not get.
- If interested, contact Phil.
- Provides the following to Vietnam Veterans.
- Daughters of Revolutionary War.
Scott Emmett/Phil Martinez
- None this month.
Legionnaire Spotlight
- None this month.
Pass the Hat and 50/50
- Pass the hat raised $40.00.
- 50/50 Not Held.
Closing ceremonies performed.
Meeting adjourned at 2012 hrs. by Commander Michael Harris.
The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on 12 NOV 2024.